
Birthday - October 21


Sunday - 7:30pm to 12:00am

Favorite Drink

White Claw and all the Jameson!


7+ years at your favorite local bars!


You’re gonna look at me and say, “Hey! Is that a pizza!?” And then you’re gonna realize I’m spinning a bar towel. You may also say, “Hey! I’ve seen you working at a different bar!” And I’ll say “Well yes, I work at 3 different local bars”. But mostly you’re gonna say, “Man, I would love to hang out with this guy” and then I’m gonna say “contact my agent”. But if I can promise you one thing it’ll be that you’ll leave saying, “that is one efficient bartender and an even better human.” And that ladies and gents, is the lasting impression I try to instill on every person I come directly in contact with. So I’ll say now, Thank you for being a part of this cycle we call life.

One more thing,

Make sure you tell someone you love them today!!

